Duplex Movt360®
Movt360® contains a patented composition in a highly absorbable matrix form that has been the subject of numerous human clinical trials including safety, efficacy and bioavailability. Each and every capsule has undergone a strict manufacturing process at our appointed facility in Anaheim, United States of America, accredited by the American Halal Foundation (AHF).
RRP: RM 188 / box
BioCell Collagen®
Rose Hip Extract
Turmeric Root Extract
Boswellia Serrata Extract
Ginger Root Extract
Award WinningStandardizedClinically Tested
BioCell Collagen®
BioCell Collagen® is a naturally occurring matrix of Hydrolysed Collagen Type II, Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid, all of which contribute to the maintenance of healthy joint cartilage and synovial fluid.
Patented Technology
It is extracted using a patented hydrolysis process which optimizes its molecular size for fast and effective absorption. Studies have shown that hydrolysed collagen type II stimulates the cartilage chondrocytes to synthesize new collagen which in turn helps to rebuild degraded cartilage and soothe joints pain.
Turmeric has been used for centuries to treat inflammation in the body. It is responsible not only as an anti-inflammatory but also helps with antioxidant activity, which can protect against cell damage caused by free radicals
Ginger Roots
Ginger is a natural remedy that's been traditionally used to treat arthritis and inflammation in joints due its medicinal properties. The extract can also help with maintaining healthy joint function by providing nutrients for your body’s tissues.
Boswellia Serrata
The presence of an anti-inflammatory and arthritis fighting ingredient in the bark has been shown to reduce joint pain, slow down cartilage damage.
Rose Hips
The fruit of the rose bushes is a nutritious and healthy treat! It's rich in Vitamin C, which helps promote collagen production. This nutrient keeps our joints strong so we can enjoy smooth movement throughout everyday.
Scientific Studies
Confirmatory Clinical Trial
In this study, 80 people with joint pain took a supplement called BioCell Collagen or a placebo every day for 10 weeks. The supplement was found to reduce joint pain effectively without causing any side effects. The study's results were published in 2012 in a scientific journal.
Results of study - minimum of 30% less discomfort in 71% of subjects taking BioCell Collagen
Effect of the Novel Low Molecular Weight Hydrolyzed Chicken Sternal Cartilage Extract, BioCell Collagen, on Improving Osteoarthritis-Related Symptoms: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial Alexander G. Schauss, Jerome Stenehjem, Joosang Park, John R. Endres, and Amy Clewell Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012 60 (16), 4096-4101 DOI: 10.1021/jf205295u

Experienced Improvement
Case Adverse Effect Reported
Biocell Collagen on Joint Pain
BioCell Collagen significantly reduced joint pain as much as 40% at the end of the study. No adverse events associated with BioCell Collagen were reported.
Kalman, D.S., Schwartz, H.I., Pachon, J., Sheldon, E. and Almada, A.L., 2004. A randomized double blind clinical pilot trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of hydrolyzed collagen type II in adults with osteoarthritis. Paper presented at Experimental Biology, Washington, DC, 17 – 21 April 2004.
Movt360 Contains Patented Type II Collagen. How Does It Help?
Collagen type II (native) is a protein that is part of the cartilage, bone and other types of connective tissues in animals and humans.
Articular cartilage contains at least five genetically distinct types of collagen. Types II, IX, and XI are cartilage-specific and are cross-linked together in a copolymeric network that forms the extracellular framework of the tissue. Fibrils of type II collagen provide the basic architecture.
Synovial Fluid
With aging, joint movement becomes stiffer and less flexible due to lesser amount of synovial fluid. Type II collagen stimulates proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocytes which in turn helps to promotes lubrication within the joint.
Rigid macromolecules provide the strength and compressibility that allow it to resist large deformations in shape during movement. Collagen helps in rebuilding torn ligaments and tendons.
Overall Joint Health
Type II collagen is what gives cartilage its tensile strength and elasticity, thereby enabling it to support the joints. It helps in the binding process with the help of fibronectin and other collagens.
Duplex Movt360®
A closer look at Movt360's supplement facts.
Frequently Ask Questions
If you have further questions, please click the button below to WhatsApp our pharmacist. We are always ready to help!
Is Movt360 only for knee conditions?
Movt360 is an all rounder. Due to its unique composition, it would be useful for knee, back, hip or neck conditions associated with joint degeneration and inflammation.
Is Movt360 halal certified?
Yes, Movt360 has been certified halal by American Halal Foundation, which is recognised JAKIM. For full list of accredited and recognised bodies, please visit official JAKIM website or contact us at inquiry@duplex.com.my for assistance.
Is Movt360 suitable for vegetarian?
BioCell Collagen® is made up of Hydrolysed Collagen Type II, which is extracted from chicken sternal cartilage (the breastbone of chicken). Hence, Movt360 is not suitable for strict vegetarians.
When & how should I consume it?
Consume 2 capsules daily, preferably in the morning, after meal. In severe cases, you may take up to 4 capsules a day or as recommended by Doctor or Pharmacist.
How is Movt360 unique from other joint collagen products?
Unlike other collagen and hyaluronic acid ingredients on the market, Movt360 contains a patented composition in a highly absorbable matrix form that has been the subject of numerous human clinical trials including safety, efficacy, and bioavailability.
I am currently consuming glucosamine. Can I consume Movt360 at the same time?
Absolutely. The ingredients are completely different and they act differently. It is safe to consume both together.
I am currently on medication. Can I consume Movt360 at the same time?
No adverse effects have been reported to date. However, if you are on medications, you are always advised to consult your healthcare provider prior to taking this supplement.